Leadership and economic growth

Title of case study         : Leadership and economic growth

Full Name                      : Gunaretnam Anthonymary

Age                                : 40

Address                          : Veerayadi Veethy, Vinayagapuram 1, Thirukovil.


Background: Ms. G. Anthonymary lives in a small village called “Vinayagapuram” in Thirukovil DS division, where SWOAD implement EU-ACAP project with the support of Oxfam GB. She has a small house and lives with her husband, a daughter and 2 sons. Her income relies on her husband’s firewood chopping and her small scale income generation activity and paddy cultivation. She has happier life. Even though, she had struggle for enough income. Motivation for better living and her toil & internal drive leads as an example in her community. She receives various training through our project and she helps her neighbors with an aim.


Ms. Anthonymary describes…

I did not know what was saving. First time I was able to hear that what was saving and its important, from SWOAD coordinator, who visited our village in 1995. The new awareness motivated us to do saving as a small group and gradually started to participate the events, which organized by SWOAD.

In 1997, I made a small step to improve my family income. Therefore, I applied for loan and received 5000/- and I cultivated paddy in one acre. I could able to get enough profit from paddy cultivation and able to buy two oxen & cart from the profit and my saving. Later, I could be able get a tractor from a bonus.

In 2009, SWOAD implemented EU-ACAP project with the support of Oxfam GB in our village. I had chance to participate in various trainings and meetings such as leadership, seed paddy production, DAFT, private companies, bank services, discussion meeting of GA. Theses training and meetings were helped a lot to develop my knowledge and personality, which generates me to meeting government officers and bring the issues of community. Also, I lead village level meetings.

I am a group leader of agriculture production group in our village, which formed by SWOAD under EU-ACAP project. I have enthusiasm to develop all group members. We could able to buy a rice pounding machine and we produce red rice flour, which would help our member income.

I became an example of self employment among our group. Now, I receive guidance from agriculture department and CIC Limited and I able to do paddy cultivation in 50 acre land for monsoon seasonal cultivation. I have an aim that I have to be guide and pioneer for our village people.



CIC           – Chemical Industries (Colombo)

DAFT         – Diversity Alternative Farming Technology

DS            – Divisional Secretariat

EU-ACAP    – European Union-Assistance for Conflict Affected People

GA            – Government Agent

SWOAD      – Social Welfare Organization Ampara District


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